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How to Order Burgers Like a Pro

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Is there anything quite like sitting down to enjoy a delicious burger and fries? Even if it’s not necessarily your favorite food, there’s a satisfaction that comes with sitting down in a stylish restaurant and indulging in a tasty burger.

But that moment can also be disappointing. You’ve had great burgers, but a not-so-great burger has also let you down. Do you want to avoid that disappointment and ensure you’re always ordering the best burger?

Then sit back and let us tell you all about how you can order a great burger like a pro.

The Patty Is Essential

Beef quality is essential in creating the best burger. The best burger would be certified Angus beef with 80% lean and 20% fat, with the fat moistening the burger while it is cooking. A lower fat quantity helps the burger be juicy without being soggy.

It’s also essential that the patties have consistent cuts. Trivial as it may sound, different patty sizes cook differently. A good technique is to use the lid from a peanut butter jar to help create a circular shape. Your burgers should never have inconsistent flavors, so make sure they are all consistent in cut size.

Order of Ingredients

When you place a food order for a burger, you should make sure you do so in the best possible order. A good stacking of the right ingredients is crucial to getting the best burger possible.

What exactly are those ingredients? They are cheese melted to the burger, crunchy veggies, and a crisp, sturdy bun to avoid sogginess. All of these are essential to ensuring a quality burger.

Many would say that you should order your ingredients in a particular order. For example, you may want to put the lettuce and tomatoes on the bottom before the patty to keep the bun from getting soggy. Ultimately though, as long as these essential ingredients are present, you can have them stacked according to whatever you prefer.

The Perfect Bun

You may not think much about the bun, but it can make or break your burger. A crumbling or distinct smelling bun is a good indicator that you have a stale bun, and that does not make for a good burger. Remember, a sturdy bun is an essential ingredient to a good burger.

A toasted brioche bun is one of the best bun options for a great burger. You can also use a pretzel bun for tangier condiments, or a gluten-free bun if you are more health-conscious. All that matters is that you have a fresh and sturdy bun that won’t get soggy or fall apart.

Finding the Best Burger

Now that you know what goes into a quality burger you’re probably asking yourself, “Where can I find the best burger near me?”

Well, if you’re in the middle Tennessee area, Burger Republic is the place to go. We have locations in Lenox, Gulch, Mt. Juliet, and Murfreesboro. You can visit our blog to see the extent of seriousness we treat this with, and you can order online to easily layout your preferences for your ideal burger.

Don’t miss out on the best burgers in Nashville. Visit us today.

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