
The Brioche Roll: Soft, Tasty, and Why It’s the Best Burger Companion

brioche roll

Marie-Antoinette is famous for saying the phrase, “Let them eat cake” to the starving masses. However, did you know that in French she said, “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche”?

That’s because brioche bread uses a lot of butter, so it’s almost cake-like in its consistency. These days, you’ll see brioche used in everything from French toast to bread puddings. However, a brioche roll is particularly fantastic when paired with a burger.

But why is this? In this guide, we’ll explore both the history and composition of a brioche bun. Then, we’ll break down why it’s the best companion for the perfect burger.

What Is a Brioche Roll?

A brioche roll is a form of enriched dough. That means that it’s made the same way as a regular roll of bread, but lots of butter and eggs are added to it. This gives it a richer flavor with a tender crumb and soft texture.

You might think that with all of the added fat, a brioche roll would be heavy. However, the reality is that it’s quite light and airy bun texture.

What’s more, the added butter and eggs contribute to a Maillard reaction in the bread. This is what gives it the gorgeous dark golden brown color that it’s known for.

Why Is It the Perfect Burger Companion?

The perfect burger is going to be an indulgent affair. And something magic happens when you combine the buttery goodness of a brioche bun with the dripping fat of ground beef.

What’s more, the burger bun is strong enough to not crumble apart when these juices disperse into the bread. Lastly, brioche has a light, subtle sweetness to it which compliments the natural sweetness of the beef.

Best Ingredient Pairings for Brioche Burgers

As we mentioned, brioche buns have a natural sweetness to them. As such, in our opinion, some of the best toppings for them include spicy things. The sweetness helps mellow out the heat for a perfect tasting experience.

Just look at the West Texas burger on our menu. In addition to spicy BBQ sauce, we also combine jalapenos, crispy onions, and habanero jack cheese for the perfect amount of heat. Of course, you can’t go wrong with the traditional ingredients either.

How to Find the Best Burger Place With Brioche Buns

Just because a burger place uses brioche buns doesn’t mean that the burgers will be quality. As this guide notes, there are five telltale marks of a good burger.

These include things like burger flavor, burger thickness, toppings, condiments, and a toasted bun. The best burger joints can tick all of these boxes perfectly. So when searching for a burger restaurant make sure they prioritize all of these areas.

Is Your Mouth Watering Yet? Visit Burger Republic

We hope this guide helped you learn more about why the brioche roll is the perfect bread for a burger. For over a decade here at the Burger Republic, we’ve been perfecting the art behind the perfect burger.

For us, that means a freshly baked brioche bun, certified Black Angus beef, and whatever toppings fit your mood. So if you want to learn why we’ve built a reputation for having the best burger around, order now.